As the weather warms and the days get longer, spring is the perfect time for homeowners to schedule a roof inspection. With the potential for extreme weather, now is the time to ensure that your roof is in good condition.

What are 4 problems that could affect your roof this spring? Here they are… 

Roof Leaks:

Spring often brings heavy rains, and if your roof has any weaknesses or damage, it could lead to leaks. Water can seep into cracks, holes or damaged areas, causing damage to the roofing materials and potentially leading to water damage inside your home. To prevent this, it’s important to inspect your roof regularly, especially after severe weather events, and address any issues promptly.

Mold & Algae Growth:

Mold & Algae Growth

Spring’s warmer temperatures and increased humidity can create a breeding ground for mold and algae on your roof. If your roof has debris or is located in a shaded area, it’s especially susceptible to mold and algae growth. These organisms can damage your roof’s shingles and lead to moisture problems. Regular cleaning and maintenance of your roof can help prevent mold and algae growth and keep your roof in good condition.

Tree Damage:

Spring storms can bring high winds that may cause tree branches to fall onto your roof. This can damage your roofing materials, leading to leaks or even structural damage. Additionally, overhanging tree limbs can rub against your roof, wearing away the protective outer layer and leaving it vulnerable to water damage. It’s a good idea to trim any overhanging tree limbs and remove any dead or damaged branches near your roof to prevent potential damage.

Pest Infestations:

Pest Infestations

Warmer temperatures in spring can also attract pests, such as insects and rodents, to your roof. These pests can cause damage to your roofing materials, leading to leaks and other issues. Additionally, pests can create nests or burrows in your roof, leading to structural damage over time. Regular inspections and pest control measures can help prevent infestations and keep your roof in good condition.

Overall, it’s important to stay vigilant when it comes to your roof’s health, especially during spring when the weather conditions can be more challenging for your roof. Regular inspections and maintenance can go a long way in preventing problems and ensuring your roof remains in good condition.

How can you resolve these issues?

The solutions to these issues can vary depending on the severity of the problem, but here are some general tips on how to resolve them…

Roof Leaks:

The first step in resolving a roof leak is to identify the source of the problem. This can be done through a thorough inspection of the roof, both inside and out. Once the source of the leak is identified, repairs can be made to the damaged area. This may involve replacing damaged shingles, sealing cracks or holes or replacing flashing around chimneys or vents. In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the entire roof. It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional roofing contractor to ensure that the repairs are done properly.

Mold/Algae Growth:

To prevent mold and algae growth on your roof, it’s important to keep it clean and free of debris. This can be done by regularly removing leaves, branches and other debris from the roof surface. In addition, cleaning the roof with a solution of bleach and water can help kill any existing mold or algae. It’s important to use caution when cleaning a roof to avoid damaging the roofing materials. Again, consulting with a professional roofing contractor may be helpful.

Tree Damage:

To prevent tree damage to your roof, it’s important to trim any overhanging tree limbs and remove any dead or damaged branches near the roof. If a tree branch has already caused damage to the roof, repairs may be necessary. This can involve replacing damaged shingles or repairing any structural damage that may have occurred. In severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the tree altogether.

Pest Infestations:

To prevent pest infestations on your roof, it’s important to keep the roof and surrounding area clean and free of debris. Regular inspections can also help identify any signs of pest activity early on. If an infestation is identified, pest control measures can be taken to eliminate the problem. This may involve sealing up any entry points that pests may be using to access the roof or using traps or other pest control methods. Again, consulting with a professional pest control expert may be helpful.


In conclusion, springtime brings a lot of exciting weather changes, but it also has the potential to cause significant damage to your roof. It’s important to be aware of the common roof issues and take steps to prevent them. Regular roof maintenance and inspections, as well as preventive measures like caulking and replacing missing shingles, can help ensure that your roof is in good condition for many years to come. In Blaine, MN, you can call Arko Exteriors if you need any exterior work done– the number is 763-434-2756.