If you’ve spent winters in Minnesota, then you probably know about the danger of ice dams. These naturally-forming dams are created when snow accumulates on a roof, then begins to melt on a warmer day, only for the meltwater to freeze into ice along the edge of the roof and in the gutters as temperatures drop again. When enough ice is allowed to build up along rooflines, these ice dams can effectively trap snow on your roof. Too much snow piling up can result in roof leaks, water damage, and – in extreme cases – structural collapse.

There are right ways and wrong ways to get rid of an ice dam on your roof in the Twin Cities area. Keep reading to learn the best course of action to take when you discover ice dams forming on your property.

The Best Methods of Ice Dam Removal

The easiest thing to remember about ice dam removal is that heat is good, anything else is bad. To safely remove ice dams that have formed along the edges of your roof, pour hot water over the ice so that it will melt and drain into your gutters, allowing the snow built up behind it to do the same. Do not use a pressure washer to remove ice dams, since this can damage your roof and cause leaks just like ice dams can.

If you want to proactively prevent ice dam formation, have heat cables professionally installed along the edge of your roof in the Twin Cities area. These heat cables can be turned on in winter so that any snow or ice will melt quickly and run off into your gutters. As long as the edge of your roof stays too hot for ice dams to form, your roof should enjoy good drainage all winter long.

It’s worth addressing some common means of ice dam removal you should not attempt. For starters, never try to physically remove ice dams with tools such as shovels, hammers or picks. If these tools do break through the ice, it’s very likely they’ll also damage the roofing materials underneath it. As with pressure washing, removing ice dams in such a rough manner can be just as detrimental as allowing the ice dam to grow. Don’t use de-icing chemicals to remove ice dams from your roof, either. These chemicals may also be destructive to your shingles, as well as your landscape after they drain off your roof.

For the safest and most effective ice dam removal in the Twin Cities, work with a professional contractor that specializes in getting rid of ice dams. Make sure you inquire about the methods this contractor uses; some who claim to be experts may rely on the aforementioned methods that could pose a hazard to your roof’s integrity. At Arko Exteriors, we remove ice dams from our customers’ homes using a machine known as the Arctic Steamer. This tool discharges a low pressure stream of 290ºF steam, which can rapidly melt ice dams without causing any harm to roofing materials or gutters. The Arctic Steamer can be used effectively in low temperatures, all the way down to -20ºF. Any ice dam removal contractor you hire should use either this tool or a similar heat-based device as a safe solution to your ice dam problem.

Reliable Ice Dam Removal Solutions in the Twin Cities

If you want to get rid of ice dams on your roof and prevent them from forming again, work with your local roofing contractors who always bring the right tools for the job. Connect with Arko Exteriors today if you’re looking for the best ice dam removal services in the greater Twin Cities area!