Arko Exteriors has built its reputation on customer satisfaction. Our commitment to our customers is the cornerstone of our success.
We provide professional, accurate and timely inspections to determine damage and avoid frivolous claims.
We work hand in hand with our customers through the entire insurance claim process. Dealing with insurance claims can be a major hassle. Our experienced staff have built relationships with and frequently work with insurance companies. Our industry knowledge and insight on storm damage allows us to work directly with most all insurance companies. That means we’ll complete your roof repair or replacement while also keeping the entire process as smooth and simple as possible.
Superior and talented craftsmen are the backbone of our company, and we’re always committed to the satisfaction of our customers. An attention to detail and thorough workmanship is what we pride ourselves on.
Whether it’s having all the angles straight or just having all the light bulbs on and working, every job is equally important to us. We guarantee it!

Accredited with the Better Business Bureau, Arko Exteriors strives to maintain a satisfied customer base and a positive local reputation.
As taken from the Better Business Bureau website: “The BBB has determined that Arko Exteriors Inc. meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.”