People have many concerns regarding the roofing business such as roofing scams. When looking for a residential roofing contractor, what are five considerations?
Invaluable References:
Does the Residential Roofing Contractor have testimonials/reviews to share with homeowners? Testimonials tell the kind of work the roofer did, the quality of the work and so on… they give homeowners a clue to how well-received the contractor’s work is locally. Things like trustworthiness, reliability and dependability matter– and checking a roofer’s references will help a potential customer determine whether or not they want to hire them.
Does the Roofer have insurance?
If the Residential Roofing Contractor has insurance and an accident takes place at the job site, who is responsible for the accident? Typically, the roofer’s insurance should cover on-site accidents. Roofers should have workers’ compensation insurance and general liability insurance– and they should be able to show their clients their insurance paperwork with details.
Does the Roofer offer a warranty?
Everybody understands that any work, however big or small, may show signs of deterioration after a period of time has elapsed. Therefore, roofers should offer a warranty for the work they do– and that warranty should at least cover two years. If something goes wrong or needs fixing, clients will be assured that the contractor can come back and fix it for free within the warranty period. Offering a warranty is a good business practice.
Does the Roofer have the necessary permits?
In many cases, a roofer cannot initiate work unless s/he has the required permit to do so. The roofing contractor should obtain all necessary permits before s/he commences work.
Does the Roofer have a permanent address for his/her operations?
A Roofing Contractor should have a permanent landline phone number and postal address. That way, you know they’re legit. Otherwise, they might be “fly-by-night,” which means they’re in town for a quick minute, ready to fleece customers out of money without doing the work properly.
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